Saturday, September 5, 2009

"You Must Walk Through the Valley To Stand Upon the Mountian of God"

This week, wow. Its been the worst in a while, but I know alot of it really was just my attitude. Things in all aspects of my life seem to be out of control, but I know I have not been doing my part either. So, anyway. I know next week will be better, becasue I am going to make sure of it. I ended up losing my job bc of funding. I really hate that bc I love those babies so much, but I know God never closes a door without opening a window. I am sure he has something else out there for me, if he desires for me to work. Its hard not to worry about finainces, especially in this economy, but we must remember that it is God's money, He created it, and He knows what he is doing!!!!! But, we have to do our part. So, I am trying to stay away from Walmart & Sonic! lol!

I am going to be working with the Toddlers tomorrow at Church. I had the nursery last week at church, and it wasnt my turn this week, but I just cant go into the sanctuary and worship knowing that there is a need like that. I am really looking forward to spending time with them! :-) Jeremy's best friend Glenn is coming! I am really glad. he just moved back from Auburn and is looking for a Church home. I hope HighPointe can be that for him if thats what God desires! God is really doing some awesome things at HighPointe and I am so thankful to God for allowing us to be a part of that! He truely is awesome!!!!

Jeremy is trying to teach me how to play bass. I really want to learn, I am just not very good at it. He is a great teacher though, so patient, so I know I will get it eventually! well, I am going to get off of here. Those are all of my thoughts for now! :-)
Me and my first bass lesson! :-)

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